Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gas Price Hikes Our Fault

Blame Yourself For High Gasoline Prices
March 10th, 2008

U.S.average retail gasoline prices have reached a new high, and are expected to rise 20 to 30 cents per gallon this summer says According to the nationwide Lundberg survey of about 7,000 gas stations the price has risen 64 cents per gallon in the past 12 months as refiners are more willing to pass along rising crude oil prices. OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) is unwilling to increase production saying the U. S. can not refine more crude because no new refineries have been built in 30-years due to environmental zealots and their Congressional allies who have also bottled up new oil production thereby creating the price problem – so, they say, why should we help when you are helping yourself? So, apparently the “pain-at-the-pump” is not yet enough to provoke protest and revolt although gasoline use declined nationwide in January for the first time ever.